
Quantum entanglement

Here is Françoise Guerlin singing Que reste-t-il de nos amours… I hope to put my own version of this song online, in French and English, with Bertil Sylvander au piano, within the next ten years.
I have tagged it as Françoise Guerlin, Trenet. Ah, the joys of French polysémie!!! (traînée = vapour trail, among other things).

I came across an article in the Guardian the other day that reminded me of The Prestige, and Todd McGowan's article:

“[…] teleportation is actually already being done by physicists. It relies on a deeply strange phenomenon called quantum entanglement, which physicists have already used to "teleport" a photon 89 miles between La Palma and Tenerife in the Canary Island group. […] "You are not actually moving the photons from one place to another because you are destroying the original. What materialises at the other end is your twin which has all the information of the previous object."

Car pictures by J.W. Vraets.

1 commentaires:

Vita Brevis said...

Comment from FG:

Françoise Guerlin/Trenet...
Françoise Guerlin/Trainée
Franchement, parmi les attributs dont on afflige habituellement les femmes qui, comme moi, aiment les hommes plus que nos sociétés bien-pensantes ne sauraient le tolérer, "trainée" est loin d'être mon préféré!
Il sent la boue, la poussière du village mal goudronné, le bourgeois qui murmure, les sous entendus, les haillons, la honte...
Non, vraiment, si je le pouvais, je choisirais plutôt "catin".
Françoise Guerlin/Catin...
Ca rime!!!
Mais ça ne veut rien dire...?
Catin, Satin, petit Matin Mutin. La disgrâce éclatante,le velours, la dentelle, et le bourgeois qui paye, en échange d'un secret connu de tous, l'éternelle maîtresse de son déshonneur!
Sentimental strumpet.
Françoise Guerlin/Catin
Scattin' Catin.
Dudndudndudah wah ..
Sentimentale trompette.