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In the Guardian, today:
"German chancellor says current high unemployment in Europe is price of competitiveness"…

And I think to myself but what is the point in being competitive if it means millions of people are living in despair and misery?

Wouldn't we all just be better off now if the system collapsed?

Never really thought of myself as an anarchist before but I'm not happy about the way the world is being run anymore.  

In any case, to quote the late George Burns, "Acting is all about sincerity. If you can fake that, you've got it made …'
Michael Simpkins

a page of one of my sister's many sketchbooks.

 S-words are mightier than Le Pen

It’s very pleasant        c’est très agréable
To suddenly see a connection de reconnaitre subitment une connexion
You didn’t see before qu’on ne voyait pas auparavant

A word I had great difficulty translating always have done

And today I noticed that I had been completely blacking out the possibility of using the first sense of the word, and so had not even contemplated it, it didn’t even occur to me, when I saw « s’inscire » my mind went « oh non, how am I going to translate it this time ? ». Then this morning, I saw it, and the first sense, which includes two of the same consonants, came to me, as if for the first time and the experience conjured up an ambiance of TS Eliot… and the word syllabus.


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